Treatment of Male Factor Infertility
The information generated from the quantitative and functional tests performed at Embryoland IVF Center Athens is utilized by our staff to implement an individualized infertility treatment. The objective of our treatment is to help you and your partner achieve pregnancy. Depending on the severity of the male factor infertility and on the medical history of your partner we may suggest you utilize the least invasive modalities for infertility such as intrauterine inseminations (IUI), or In-Vitro Fertilization if the counts of motile sperm are such that a series of IUIs may not be effective. Usually these treatments require that the male partner should be able to provide at least two (for IVF) or five (for IUI) million motile sperm. If the sperm counts are below the above limits, there is still the option for sperm banking to overcome this problem. Donor semen is also available. Additionally, donor sperm is needed in cases of single women.
Embryoland collaborates with two international sperm banks, namely Cryos International and European Sperm Bank.

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+30 210 777 99 20 / +30 210 691 12 00