Natural Cycle IVF / Modified Natural Cycle

Natural Cycle IVF /
Modified Natural Cycle

Natural cycle is a method of assisted reproduction in which a single egg is usually collected from the ovary, without the administration of hormonal stimulation drugs. The development of the follicle is monitored by ultrasound and when the egg has matured, egg retrieval takes place.

This method is chosen when a woman does not wish to take medication or cannot. Indication for IVF in a natural cycle is given to those women who, regardless of age, even with the administration of strong hormonal stimulation, have a poor ovarian response and eventually produce one or two follicles. A natural cycle may be cancelled, or may not result in embryo transfer, either because the growth rate of the follicle or estradiol is not as expected, or because premature ovulation may occur, or because the follicle does not produce a mature egg capable of fertilisation at egg retrieval. The natural cycle avoids exposing the woman to high levels of circulating oestrogen and the risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.

Φυσικός Κύκλος / Τροποποιημένος Φυσικός Κύκλος

The natural cycle is an alternative for many situations such as:

  1. In women who do not wish or are not allowed to receive ovarian stimulation with medication.
  2. In women who have a history of secondary infertility (have already had a child in the past) and do not wish to develop and create multiple embryos.
  3. The ovaries have not responded properly to previous IVF attempts following medication.
  4. In women with a history of multiple failed IVF attempts or miscarriages.
  5. In women of advanced age or with a history of developing poor quality embryos in previous attempts after multiple ovarian stimulation.

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+30 210 777 99 20 / +30 210 691 12 00