First consultation
Before any examination or treatment takes place, we will extensively talk with the couples that come to see us. This way we get to know each other. It is best if both partners, woman and man, come to this first consultation.
We learn about your medical history. The doctor receives most information for a correct diagnosis through the anamnesis, i.e. your medical history. If your doctors, e.g. your gynaecologist, urologist, or andrologist have already done examinations, please bring the results with you. They will provide us with important information for further treatment.
Based on this information and on our first consultation, the treatment plan is laid out. During this first consultation, you will receive general information on the various steps of treatment. Suggestions for treatment details drawn up for the individual couple desiring a child can then be made after the results of the first examinations have been received.

Book An Appointment
We are at your disposal to assist you and answer all your questions.
+30 210 777 99 20 / +30 210 691 12 00