Donor Sperm

Donor Sperm

Assisted reproduction with sperm donation is a process used to achieve pregnancy in cases such as male infertility, women who wish to become mothers without a partner or same-sex couples.

Sperm donors are men aged 18 to 45 with good quality sperm. Some banks offer the option of using an anonymous donor, while others allow parents to meet the donor. Donors often undergo psychological evaluations to ensure they are suitable for this process. The banks provide various types of sperm (e.g., with specific characteristics such as height, hair color, etc.) to help parents choose according to their preferences.

The process begins with the collection of sperm from the donor, who typically undergoes strict screenings to ensure his health, the absence of transmissible diseases, the absence of genetic disorders, and the quality of the sperm. The sperm is then stored under special conditions and can be used in fertilization techniques such as intrauterine insemination (IUI) or in vitro fertilization (IVF), depending on the case.

There are legal and ethical issues related to sperm donation, such as the rights of the donor and anonymity. Each country has its own regulations regarding these matters.

Sperm donation offers hope to many people who wish to become parents and significantly contributes to their family happiness.

Donor Sperm

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+30 210 777 99 20 / +30 210 691 12 00