Frequently asked

Prior to starting the treatment, you will be given a complete personalised price quotation. Please send us your medical report and you will receive a quotation.

After the treatment is completed you can fly back home immediately. Travelling won´t have any adverse effect on the embryo transfer nor the ensuing pregnancy.

Both you and your partner need to be tested for HIV, Hepatitis B&C, Syphilis, CMV and blood group. In case of very poor sperm quality the male partner should undergo DNA fragmentation test. We accept prior test results if they have been completed within 6 months.

Many factors do influence the success of the treatments. Your age, how long you have been infertile and the reason for it, your life-style, the form of treatment, your body's reaction to stimulation (i.e. the quality of and how many oocytes you produce), the quality of the semen, the quality of the embryos and the number of embryos to be transferred all influence the probability of pregnancy. Our Live Birth pregnancy rates are way above the Greek national average: 68% baby take-home rate after an exclusive egg donation treatment.

At Embryoland the candidate egg donors are selected according to very strict criteria and in accordance with Greek law.
There is a primary interview regarding their full family history, information about their educational level and professional status and a psychometric assessment by the psychologist. The possible donor’s undergo a very thorough blood and fluid cultivation investigation regarding the below tests:

  • Full blood count, Blood group and Rhesus
  • Electrophoresis of haemoglobina, Ferum, Ferritin
  • HIV I&II
  • Hepatitis B and C
  • Syphilis
  • Molecular analysis of CFTR gene with next generation sequencing (NGS) 99.6%
  • Karyotype- Chromosomal analysis
  • Molecular testing for Fragile-X syndrome
  • Molecular testing for the 35delG mutation (GJB2 gene)
  • Molecular testing for Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) of SMN1 gene
  • Molecular testing for δβ-thalassaemia
  • Molecular testing for thalassaemia mutations
  • Vaginal smear culture (aerobic-anaerobic), mycoplasma, ureaplasma, chlamydia

According to the Authority (Government Gazette 5524/Β/2022), egg donation is an altruistic act for which the donor is compensated.

You can live a completely normal life during your treatments. There are no limitations pertaining to nourishment, exercise or intercourse. However, daily hormone injections must be taken at the same time everyday strictly abiding by the instructions given. Some of the hormones used in the treatments cause symptoms of menopause, such as sudden mood changes, irritability or unusual sweating. Your lower abdomen may swell and you may feel pain, especially during the final stage of the stimulation, if many ovarian follicles develop. You should avoid heavy physical activity on the days of oocyte collection and the embryo transfer. Your spouse/partner should avoid ejaculation a few days before giving a semen sample.

Normally it takes approximately 4 weeks to prepare the patient. Usually, you will start the whole therapy with your doctor in your country and you will finish the egg retrieval and embryotransfer here in Athens. So you have to stay once in Athens (1st consultation / egg retrieval: 9 days - from day 13 till day 20 of your period.

No, there is no waiting list for donor treatments.Our egg donors are less than 30 years old and have usually had already a successful pregnancy. We select our egg donors based on your individual and personal characteristics. Our egg donors can fit to all the needed characteristics (hair-, eye- and skin color). We can find an appropriate egg donor within 2 months.

Yes. The upper age limit is the recipient's 54th birthday.

At Embryoland we are taking all necessary medical measures against the spread of the COVID-19 virus.Our professionals actively monitor the evolution of the disease and follow all health authorities recommendations.

Coronavirus FAQ

Is Embryoland taking measures to ensure my safety against coronavirus during my treatment?

Yes. At Embryoland we are following the information published by the health authorities very closely to adapt our protocols and guarantee the safety of our patients at all times. In addition, there is currently no evidence of COVID-19 transmission through assisted reproduction.

Should I interrupt or postpone my assisted reproduction treatment due to the latest coronavirus developments?

Depending on the country, prevention measures will be taken according to the situation of the epidemic outbreak in the region.

First online visits and follow-ups are available to our patients, so that, in the most responsible way we minimize the visits to the clinic and patients are less exposed to crowded places and public transport.

I am pregnant, do I have an increased risk of being infected by coronavirus?

The data available so far do not show an increased risk of infection in the population of pregnant women. It is therefore recommended to follow the same steps to prevent infection as the rest of the population.

I have tested positive for coronavirus and I am pregnant, can I infect my baby?

To date, published articles and case studies show that there is no vertical mother-to-child transmission of COVID-19. In addition, neither the prognosis of the pregnancy nor of the patients was worse compared to infected non-pregnant women. However, it is very important to contact your obstetrician if you are diagnosed.

How can I prevent being infected by coronavirus?

To reduce the likelihood of infection by COVID-19, the health authorities recommend the following:

Wash your hands frequently.
Cover your mouth with your bent elbow or with a tissue when you cough and sneeze.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with your hands.
With the appearance of any symptoms, avoid close contact with other people

Book An Appointment

We are at your disposal to assist you and answer all your questions.

+30 210 777 99 20 / +30 210 691 12 00